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  • 35 participants
  • 43231 discussions
Neil Armstrong - Radio ham?
by Peter Green 10 Jul '19

10 Jul '19
SDR legislation
by Jean Marc Momple 10 Jul '19

10 Jul '19

10 Jul '19

09 Jul '19
Radio Carrying Case
by Kees van Oosbree 09 Jul '19

09 Jul '19
PSAT2 PSK31 transponder operation
by Tomáš Urbanec 09 Jul '19

09 Jul '19
PSAT2 SSTV/telemetry intervals?
by Hans BX2ABT 09 Jul '19

09 Jul '19
PSAT2 TLE object number
by Robert Bruninga 08 Jul '19

08 Jul '19
object # for psat2
by Nick Pugh 08 Jul '19

08 Jul '19

08 Jul '19
AO-92 camera mode
by Andrew Glasbrenner 08 Jul '19

08 Jul '19
Re: [amsat-bb] Tripod Mount for Arrow
by Clint Bradford 08 Jul '19

08 Jul '19
Tripod mount for Arrow.
by Brad Smith 08 Jul '19

08 Jul '19

07 Jul '19
W3ZM/KH6 from BL20ca
by Mark L. Hammond 07 Jul '19

07 Jul '19
Wow! Do not discount AO-85 yet!
by John Brier 07 Jul '19

07 Jul '19
IC-9700 mode setting problem
by Erich Eichmann 07 Jul '19

07 Jul '19
by Roland Zurmely 07 Jul '19

07 Jul '19
ARMADILLO over Brazil
by Roland Zurmely 07 Jul '19

07 Jul '19
SATpc32/IC-9700 Start Up Issue
by Edward Roth 07 Jul '19

07 Jul '19

06 Jul '19
FM sat chaos
by 06 Jul '19

06 Jul '19
11 13
0 0
Re: [amsat-bb] FM sat chaos
by 06 Jul '19

06 Jul '19

06 Jul '19
Re: [amsat-bb] HRD WITH DX labs
by Richard Lawn 06 Jul '19

06 Jul '19
AO-7 pass to NA
by Ronnan Werneck 06 Jul '19

06 Jul '19
PSAT2 Ops Normal
by Robert Bruninga 05 Jul '19

05 Jul '19
FInding Nemo (er... USNAP1)
by Robert Bruninga 05 Jul '19

05 Jul '19
Please help an old ham, but new to hamsats!
by george.carrii15 05 Jul '19

05 Jul '19
HRD with DXLab on sats
by jeff griffin 05 Jul '19

05 Jul '19
Polysat CP9 heard
by Hans BX2ABT 05 Jul '19

05 Jul '19
Field Day Submissions due
by Bruce 04 Jul '19

04 Jul '19
LO 94 and the solar eclipse
by Nico Janssen 04 Jul '19

04 Jul '19

04 Jul '19
Re: [amsat-bb] FM sat chaos
by John Kludt 04 Jul '19

04 Jul '19

04 Jul '19
by Hans BX2ABT 04 Jul '19

04 Jul '19

04 Jul '19

04 Jul '19
PSAT2 Status and Voice Ops (and reset)
by Nicholas Mahr KE8AKW 04 Jul '19

04 Jul '19
Type of modulation used by Kenwood Th-d7
by Abdeslam Salah 03 Jul '19

03 Jul '19
Triplexers wanted
by Roger - W7TZ 03 Jul '19

03 Jul '19
PSAT2 Status and Voice Ops (and reset)
by Robert Bruninga 03 Jul '19

03 Jul '19
Office Closed
by Martha 03 Jul '19

03 Jul '19

03 Jul '19
A test question!
by Graham Shirville 03 Jul '19

03 Jul '19
PSAT2 status DIGI and Voice are on
by Nicholas Mahr KE8AKW 03 Jul '19

03 Jul '19
Good SSTV picture from PSAT-2
by Roland Zurmely 03 Jul '19

03 Jul '19

02 Jul '19
13 Colonies Special Event
by Dave 02 Jul '19

02 Jul '19

02 Jul '19
EN75/76/85/86/87 rove
by aa8ch 02 Jul '19

02 Jul '19
IC-9700 and SATPC32 linear tuning
by Bill Acito 02 Jul '19

02 Jul '19

02 Jul '19
2019 AMSAT Symposium Call for Papers
by Daniel Schultz 02 Jul '19

02 Jul '19
PSAT2 status (GREAT NEWS!)
by Robert Bruninga 02 Jul '19

02 Jul '19
PSAT2 SSTV & PSK mixed
by Hans BX2ABT 01 Jul '19

01 Jul '19

01 Jul '19

01 Jul '19
Entrysat launched on July 3rd, be ready!
by christophe.mcr 01 Jul '19

01 Jul '19
Yaesu FT991A on the sats
by John Geiger 01 Jul '19

01 Jul '19
W7D Wrap Up
by David Swanson 01 Jul '19

01 Jul '19
VUCC Awards-Endorsements for July 2019
by Ronald G. Parsons 01 Jul '19

01 Jul '19
W3ZM/KH6 update 1
by Mark L. Hammond 01 Jul '19

01 Jul '19
How to control HDSDR with SatPC32?
by EDWARD KROME 30 Jun '19

30 Jun '19
Rocket Lab Launch Replay
by Wendy and Terry Osborne 29 Jun '19

29 Jun '19
PSAT2 PSK31 enabled ONLY (No VHF)
by Robert Bruninga 29 Jun '19

29 Jun '19

29 Jun '19
Rocket Lab Launch now streaming
by Wendy and Terry Osborne 29 Jun '19

29 Jun '19

29 Jun '19
by Roland Zurmely 28 Jun '19

28 Jun '19
TLE Elements for PSAT2
by Robert Bruninga 28 Jun '19

28 Jun '19
Rocket Lab launch scrubbed for today (again)
by Wendy and Terry Osborne 28 Jun '19

28 Jun '19
by Bruce 27 Jun '19

27 Jun '19

27 Jun '19
AO-85 update
by Andrew Glasbrenner 27 Jun '19

27 Jun '19

27 Jun '19
PSK31 from PSAT-2
by Roland Zurmely 27 Jun '19

27 Jun '19
SSTV from PSAT-2
by Roland Zurmely 27 Jun '19

27 Jun '19
PSAT2 is coming to Northern Latitudes!!
by Robert Bruninga 27 Jun '19

27 Jun '19
SSTV from PSAT-2 rx in Brazil
by Roland Zurmely 27 Jun '19

27 Jun '19
Rocket Lab launch scrubbed for today
by Wendy and Terry Osborne 27 Jun '19

27 Jun '19
ARMADILLO copied over VK
by Colin Hurst 26 Jun '19

26 Jun '19

26 Jun '19

26 Jun '19
ARMADILLO spotted over Japan!
by Shivani Patel 26 Jun '19

26 Jun '19
PSAT2 SSTV copied in Brazil
by Roland Zurmely 26 Jun '19

26 Jun '19

26 Jun '19

26 Jun '19
PSAT2 Future Operations
by Robert Bruninga 26 Jun '19

26 Jun '19

26 Jun '19
AMSAT's Upcoming Satellite Operations
by Robert Bankston 26 Jun '19

26 Jun '19