[email protected]

  • 35 participants
  • 43231 discussions

13 Oct '18
Office Closed
by Martha 12 Oct '18

12 Oct '18
Re: [amsat-bb] Yaesu Cable Pin Out
by Jerry Buxton 12 Oct '18

12 Oct '18
Yaesu Cable Pin Out
by Gary 12 Oct '18

12 Oct '18

12 Oct '18
Thrust bearing question
by Hans BX2ABT 12 Oct '18

12 Oct '18

12 Oct '18
9 11
0 0
DV QRM on SO-50
by Steve Bossert 12 Oct '18

12 Oct '18

11 Oct '18
by Pedro Converso 11 Oct '18

11 Oct '18
Re: [amsat-bb] SO-50
by Roy Dean 10 Oct '18

10 Oct '18
by alex weimer 10 Oct '18

10 Oct '18
STARS-Me Mother identified
by Nico Janssen 10 Oct '18

10 Oct '18
9.6k woes and FoxTelem
by Kevin Zari 10 Oct '18

10 Oct '18

10 Oct '18
Delayed Telemetry Decoding
by Loren M. Lang 10 Oct '18

10 Oct '18
6-arm Lindenblad?
by Ed Krome 10 Oct '18

10 Oct '18
AO-92 Ops this week
by Andrew Glasbrenner 10 Oct '18

10 Oct '18

09 Oct '18
Sat ops from Svalbard
by 09 Oct '18

09 Oct '18
FUNcube operations
by Graham Shirville 09 Oct '18

09 Oct '18
Zhou Enlai
by Frank G 09 Oct '18

09 Oct '18
Antennas for AO-92 23cm
by Ronald G. Parsons 09 Oct '18

09 Oct '18
Upcoming ARISS contact with Ashford School, Ashford, CT
by 09 Oct '18

09 Oct '18

08 Oct '18
L-band question
by David J. Schmocker 08 Oct '18

08 Oct '18

08 Oct '18
Satellite operation from the Queen Mary - 15 December 2018
by Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK) 08 Oct '18

08 Oct '18

07 Oct '18
AO7 Telemetry
by PY5LF 07 Oct '18

07 Oct '18
AO-92 silent
by Ross Biggar 07 Oct '18

07 Oct '18
Re: [amsat-bb] AO-92 silent
by Mark L. Hammond 07 Oct '18

07 Oct '18
DSLWP JT4G messgaes
by Roland Zurmely 07 Oct '18

07 Oct '18
TS-2000 menu 28
by Burns Fisher 07 Oct '18

07 Oct '18

07 Oct '18
Nayif Data Warehouse Problems
by David Johnson 07 Oct '18

07 Oct '18
145.800 - missed a golden chance for live
by 06 Oct '18

06 Oct '18
ANS-280 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
by E.Mike McCardel 06 Oct '18

06 Oct '18
Re: [amsat-bb] Sputnik
by Tom Schuessler 06 Oct '18

06 Oct '18

06 Oct '18

06 Oct '18
Re: [amsat-bb] Sputnik
by 06 Oct '18

06 Oct '18
AO-91/92 Transatlantic
by Peter Green 06 Oct '18

06 Oct '18
Re: [amsat-bb] Sputnik
by 06 Oct '18

06 Oct '18
CT Qso for WAS Satellite
by alex weimer 05 Oct '18

05 Oct '18
Re: [amsat-bb] 1957
by Bruce 05 Oct '18

05 Oct '18
12 13
0 0
Re: [amsat-bb] Sputnik
by Richard Tejera 05 Oct '18

05 Oct '18

05 Oct '18
AO-91/92/85 DUV Decode Sovled
by Hasan al-Basri 05 Oct '18

05 Oct '18
new AMSAT-DL Online Forum
by Peter Guelzow 05 Oct '18

05 Oct '18
Re: [amsat-bb] 1957 The keyer?
by Robert Bruninga 05 Oct '18

05 Oct '18
FoxTelem Server
by Roy Dean 05 Oct '18

05 Oct '18
by Bob- W7LRD 05 Oct '18

05 Oct '18
Re: [amsat-bb] 1957
by Edward R Cole 05 Oct '18

05 Oct '18
Symposium Bus Tour - 3 spots left
by Paul Stoetzer 05 Oct '18

05 Oct '18
by wa7dxz 05 Oct '18

05 Oct '18
Life satelite status page.
by 04 Oct '18

04 Oct '18

04 Oct '18

03 Oct '18
The store has been restocked
by Bruce 03 Oct '18

03 Oct '18
Satellites worked. Ve4amu
by rick behma 03 Oct '18

03 Oct '18
Test message Ve4amu
by rick behma 03 Oct '18

03 Oct '18

03 Oct '18
Mir Rpt
by Perry Yantis 03 Oct '18

03 Oct '18
Telemetry Server
by Ross Biggar 03 Oct '18

03 Oct '18
by Cor van Heiningen 03 Oct '18

03 Oct '18
VUCC card checking
by Bruce 02 Oct '18

02 Oct '18

02 Oct '18
How many satellites have you worked?
by Paul Stoetzer 02 Oct '18

02 Oct '18
14 17
0 0
FoxTelemetry on AO-91 and AO-92
by Hasan al-Basri 02 Oct '18

02 Oct '18

01 Oct '18

01 Oct '18
AO-91 footprint diameter
by Bob Cutter 01 Oct '18

01 Oct '18
How many satellites have you worked?
by Perry Yantis 01 Oct '18

01 Oct '18
VUCC Awards-Endorsements for September 2018
by Ronald G. Parsons 01 Oct '18

01 Oct '18
Yaesu rotator/elevator
by Robert Smith 30 Sep '18

30 Sep '18
Fwd: White House wants to eliminate WWV
by 30 Sep '18

30 Sep '18
Symposium Registration
by Paul Stoetzer 30 Sep '18

30 Sep '18
Missing amateur operator
by 30 Sep '18

30 Sep '18

30 Sep '18
(no subject)
by 29 Sep '18

29 Sep '18
Homebrew LFA yagi problems
by Hans BX2ABT 29 Sep '18

29 Sep '18

28 Sep '18

27 Sep '18
FT726R operating questions
by Ron VE8RT 27 Sep '18

27 Sep '18

27 Sep '18

27 Sep '18

26 Sep '18
Yaesu FT-290RII For Sale
by Tucker McGuire 26 Sep '18

26 Sep '18