Hi folks,
Just want to put in a plug for AO-51's mode VS. I just finished a nearly horizon-to-horizon pass with Ron, N6PAA, that sounded like a chat on the local repeater. The bird was a solid S5 on my ICOM R-7000 all-mode scanner (the IF receiver), a setup that on a really good day got to maybe S1 on AO-40. Just a few short fades during the pass, and I was able to copy myself down to 2.5 degrees.
The rest of the setup includes an infamous Drake 2880, modified to move the IF to 301 mhz, a Khune preamp, 3 turn helix feed in front of a BBQ grill that I lined with window screen. Uplink is my trusty Yaesu 736R transceiver and an 8 element linearly (vertical) yagi.
Greg KO6TH
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