On Saturday, 5 June 2010, I will attend the White Mountain Hamfest in Show Low, Arizona. This is a half-day hamfest in eastern Arizona, and more information about the hamfest is available at:
During the hamfest, there will be on-air demonstrations on various satellites by WD9EWK. The hamfest site is in grid DM44xg. After the hamfest, depending on the time and weather, I hope to be on the air from the DM44/DM54 grid boundary which is less than 3 miles/5km east of the hamfest site.
On Sunday, 6 June 2010, I plan on driving northward toward grid DM56 somewhere in northeastern Arizona or northwestern New Mexico. This is a grid I have worked from only once (July 2008), and have worked only one station via satellite from this area in the past few years. I will try to work as many passes, FM and SSB, that I can get on from up there into the mid-afternoon. Since it will take at least 5 hours for me to get home from this area, I cannot stay up there for the passes in the late afternoon or evening. I will post more information about this part of the trip to the -BB during that weekend.
As with my other road trips, I will be happy to QSL contacts made with WD9EWK from the hamfest and the post-hamfest activity. Please e-mail me the QSO details, and - if you are in the log - I will send you a card.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/