28 Oct
28 Oct
9:03 p.m.
I currently live in a rental house and an outside antenna is out of the question. I asked about putting up a satellite TV dish at my own expense last year and received and flat out "NO". So, my current options are as follows:
1. Going out to my car and working the FM birds with my Icom 2720H and 19" whip. 2. Working the FM birds from the back/front yard or possibly inside the house with my Icom W32A and Elk LP antenna. 3. Setting up my 2720 in the house with some sort of stealth antenna and give a try at satellite APRS.
Obviously options 1 and 3 still allow for option 2.
Has anyone tried any form of stealth antenna for Satellites. I am really interested in the idea of combining the satellites and aprs together.
Kent R Frazier, K5KNT
AMSAT #36765, ARRL, San Angelo Amateur Radio Club, Tom Green County - ARES
Sent from San Angelo, TX, United States