10 Feb
10 Feb
3:18 a.m.
Message Exchange Service Information ChubuSat-3 provides the message exchange service. After the on-orbit checkout of the satellite (about one month after the launch), you can use the service, sending your message with amateur VHF (145.84MHz FSK 1200bps) then your message is written to the on-board memory. Anyone can read your message with amateur UHF (437.425MHz GMSK 9600bps) by sending inquiry message. The uplink/downlink format is available here.
https://www.frontier.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp/chubusat/Amateur_MSG_REPLY_format.p df
Mark Lunday, WD4ELG Greensboro, NC FM06be wd4elg@arrl.net http://wd4elg.blogspot.com