On 11/22/2010 11:10 PM, Mike and Paula Herr wrote:
KB5WIA is in DM17 and looking for contacts! Dave expect to be in DM17 tonight (22November) and tomorrow (23November) till about noon then will be moving to DM16. He is active on both the FM an linear birds. Give him a shout! Go to his QRZ.com site for info as to where he is via Spot.
73 Mike WA6ARA
I just worked David on HO-68's transponder. I was portable at Green Key, FL, a small island/point right on the Gulf of Mexico. HO-68 has an amazing transponder. I started hearing signals at 0.3 degrees, and we made our QSO at about 2 degrees on my end. My equipment was a FT-857 into a 5/8 wave vertical up, and the UHF half of an Arrow, ARR preamp, and 817 down, all tuned by hand. David, sorry about the feedback, I forgot my headphones. Thanks for the new grid!
73, Drew KO4MA