What is the frequency for the beacon on the surface?
Steve AI9IN
----- Original Message -----
From: "Vince Fiscus, KB7ADL" <
[email protected]>
[email protected]
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2022 11:54:41 AM
Subject: [AMSAT-BB] Re: [ANS] ANS-240 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins for Aug. 28
At 07:00 PM 8/27/2022 -0500, you wrote:
>OMOTENASHI Project Shoots for the Moon This Week
>OMOTENASHI, a project of the JAXA Ham Radio Club, is a CubeSat which will
>be launched by NASA SLS rocket, scheduled for August 29. It plans to land
>on the surface of the moon, and to transmit a beacon in the amateur 70cm band.
>OMOTENASHI is one of the EM-1 CubeSat missions which will be launched by
>the NASA/SLS rocket (EM-1) together with the main mission of ORION
>experimental module on Monday. JAXA Ham Radio Club is going to utilize the
>flight demonstration opportunity of the OMOTENASHI mission to conduct the
>following amateur radio missions:
>Â (i) To conduct technological research with respect to receiving
>ultra-weak UHF signal from a space probe toward the moon
>Â (ii) To conduct an outreach activity providing amateur radio operators
>all over the world with an opportunity to try to receive signals from moon
>OMOTENASHI is a 6U-CubeSat with external dimensions of 239 x 366 x 113mm
>and an approximate mass of 14 kg.
>OMOTENASHI consists of three modules: orbiting module, retro motor module,
>and surface probe. During the moon transfer orbit, these modules are
>integrated. When OMOTENASHI arrives at the moon, the surface probe will be
>separated and conduct semi-hard landing.
>There will be UHF CM/PSK/PM/PSK31 beacons, with 1 watt RF, on both the
>orbiting module and the surface probe. CisLunar explorer, MIT KitCube and
>Lunar IceCube are expected to share the same launch.
They scrubbed the launch today, but I'm hoping this
project is successful.
Would be fun to try to hear a beacon from the moon. Don't know
if my setup would be sensitive enough to receive it.
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