Well stated Paul!
Additionally, I fear some users just turn up the power to overcome a poor receive system.
73, Drew KO4MA
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 25, 2014, at 8:23 PM, Paul Stoetzer [email protected] wrote:
The recommendation at the time of launch was to limit power output to no more than 100W ERP (which is about 25 watts to a small antenna like an Elk or an Arrow). This is even more critical now since the solar panels are almost certainly not supplying enough power to drive the transmitter to it's full power output. At certain times of the year, there are poor solar angles on the panels too, which reduces power availability. Remember too that AO-7 will enter a period where it eclipses on every orbit over the south pole within the next week or so. That period will last for about 9 weeks. It should be in Mode B every day as a result, but from what I've read about past eclipse cycles, it can act a bit odd during that time.
On too many passes, I hear distorted audio and reflections throughout the transponder from it being hit too hard with SSB and especially CW. CW, being full power at key down, unlike SSB, is even harder on a linear transponder.
If everyone would just have the courtesy to keep their uplink power to a reasonable level, AO-7 can be a very enjoyable satellite with a large footprint providing the best DX opportunities currently available. Unfortunately, this problem is not new as a glance at the AMSAT Newsletters from 1974-1981 shows.
I recommend the following reading: The Editorial + Letter from W4NUL/5 in the March 1976 AMSAT Newsletter, the AMSAT-OSCAR-7 QRP Test Telemetry Report in the November 1976 AMSAT Newsletter, and the June 1976 QRP Test Results from the December 1976 AMSAT Newsletter. All available here: http://www.ka9q.net/AMSAT-Newsletter-1976.pdf
Please calculate your ERP ( http://www.csgnetwork.com/antennaecalc.html ) and keep it to no more than 100W.
Paul Stoetzer, N8HM Washington, DC
On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 11:12 AM, Dave Webb KB1PVH [email protected] wrote:
Only when people are running too much power. It's called FM'ing.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Droid RAZR
On Apr 25, 2014 11:10 AM, "Peter Wilson" [email protected] wrote:
Just worked IK8YSS on AO-07.
Haven't worked this satellite for a while and whilst I know the bird is very old, the audio on this pass was very distorted.
Is this common?
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