Using observations from the SATNOGS network and https://www.amsat.org/status/, AO-27 currently appears to be on during DESCENDING node passes starting at about 80N latitude to about 68N (repeater only), and from about 02S latitude to about 16S latitude (KISS telemetry + repeater). This means the satellite may be accessible for stations located far north (Scandinavia, Northern UK, Northern Canada, Alaska) and for Southern Hemisphere stations (portions of southern Africa, S America, Indonesia, Australia. The available footprint will continue to move slowly south (along the orbital path) for the time being until the onboard timer is reset.
We continue to solicit reception reports, especially of the on and/or off times for the FM repeater with the station's location (lat/lon or 6-character grid square). We are also looking for captures of the 1k2 AFSK KISS telemetry.
On behalf of the AO-27 command team. 73 Steve KS1G