Dear all,
I would love to make a QSO with the iSS.
What frequency active?
Jean Marc (3B8DU)
On Apr 15, 2022, at 8:02 PM, Greg D ko6th.greg@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Christy,
Ah, ok. I guess I was letting my hopes get ahead of me in terms of live crew contacts, but I'm still a little puzzled about your report. I've been watching the scheduled ARISS contacts for ones which include our area (CM98) in the footprint so I can let our local club know to listen in, and didn't think there were any. Where were you when you heard the crew?
Greg KO6TH
christy wrote:
Greg, all of my entry's for crew active have been for the scheduled ARISS contacts for this past week.
BTW I was noticing the crew active logged by others have been in the category for the SSTV. I realized that since that is the frequency you would hear crew on the downlink, I switched to logging 'crew active' to that category versus my previous on 'FM repeater' log.
73 Christy KB6LTY
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