27 Jul
27 Jul
4:45 a.m.
Again, I caution. Until we have a contract, this is an opportunity. The most serious we have had since we launched AO-40 but a contract must be let to Virginia Tech by the USG to update the electronics and adapt the frame and components (remove the rocket and tanks), and get ready to use the VT ground station for operations along with AMSAT. I believe we will know before the 2017 fiscal year, but AMSAT's are ready to say yes as is VT.
I love both of these guys Peter and Andrew. Be grateful after I get the USG to say yes.
Bob McGwier
Co-Founder and Technical Director, Federated Wireless, LLC
Research Professor Virginia Tech
Senior Member IEEE, Facebook: N4HYBob, ARS: N4HY
Faculty Advisor Virginia Tech Amateur Radio Assn. (K4KDJ)