14 Sep
14 Sep
7:34 p.m.
Many thanks to all who took the time to reply and bring me up to speed on the practical way to track with an Arrow Antenna......I gather that an Arrow beam has a "pattern" that could be likened to using a shotgun to shoot skeet/clay targets......The more elements on a beam.....the more gain it has.....but the tighter the pattern hence you have to be more accurate in pointing it....I'd compare that to shooting a rifle ......I also sense there is a proper time and place for using a beam with a wide pattern (beam width)....and a time something with more gain would be desirable. I'll spend some more time reading over all your information and hope to be meeting you all "on the birds" soon !!!!!!!!!!!!
Rhett Duke
I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn
how to do it.