18 Feb
18 Feb
11:53 p.m.
At 06:27 PM 2/18/2007, Joe Westbrook wrote:
So Luc: Luc: Just how many launch vehicles have Canadians paid for? Oh I forgot, YOUR money goes to your OUTSTANDING National Health System, not enough at the end of the day to demonstrate real leadership on such funding such frivolous activities! One thing for sure you can't be accused of taking global leadership position in aerospace. Oh I almost forgot the Avro.
Joe: I already posted a reply to Luc and forgot one of my old posts ...
The best thing to do with him is simply to ignore him ... if we do not post replies, he gets no kicks ...
I should have heeded my own advice ...
Let's just stop giving him an audience for his rants and it won't matter whether he posts or not.
Dave VE3GYQ/W8