How much gain can I expect to get from a 36x30" primestar
Off topic, but a great way to get lots of gain without the BIGness of a 3m (10foot) dish is to take one of the quadrants of one of these old backyard monsters and only use it. The feed still goes at the same place, but now it is an OFFSET feed and the dish is only one fourth the original size. I mean to take a picture someday...
It might be useful for bolting to the side of the barn and pointing out horizontally to bring in that 802.11 internet access from the coffee shop down the road. Neat thing is, with the offset feed, it "looks like it is pointing up" even though it is pointing horizontal...
Just a thought as I was carrying one of these big ugly dishes to the dumpster. It had only one useable quadrant left anyway, and that's when I realized it had GREAT 2.4 GHz high gain potential. For fixed links, you only have to nail it up once.