I produce documentaries, training films, etc. for a living. My profession requires me to travel a lot by truck for work. My Ram 1500 has a Yeasu FT-850D that I use to pass the time. When stopped, I like to deploy a small 2 Meter Yagi on a 16 foot fiberglass pole and do some SSB/CW weak signal stuff from high peaks. Also, some satellite contacts using a dual-band HT, utilizing a 5/8 “Slim Jim” rubber duck for that.
I’ve been thinking of buying an Elk Antenna to add 432 capability, especially fun during VHF contests and a big improvement for satellites.
As a secondary hobby, I like to DX NOAA Weather Radio stations at 162.400-162.550 MHz. Can you tell me what the receive frequency range of the antenna is? Would it do a good job of receiving the NOAA Weather Radio broadcasts?
Les Rayburn, N1LF [email protected] mailto:[email protected] 121 Mayfair Park Maylene, AL 35114 EM63nf
NRC & IRCA Courtesy Program Committee Chairman Member WTFDA, MWC
AirSpy + Discovery, SDRPlay RSP Duo, Sony XDR-F1HD [XDR Guy Modified], Korner 9.2 Antenna, FM-6 Antenna, Kitz Technologies KT-501 Pre-amps, Quantum Phaser, Wellbrook ALA1530 Loop, Wellbrook Flag, Clifton Labs Active Whip.
“Nothing but blues and Elvis, and somebody else’s favorite song…”