For those looking for a contact with Hawaii here is my schedule for this Sunday and Tuesday:
Sunday 9/9/12 FO-29 2116-2123Z 11:16-11:23 HAST 14:16-14:23 PDT AO-27 2242-2248Z 12:42-12:48 HAST 15:42-15:48 PDT
Tuesday 9/11/12 AO-07 Mode B 0123-0134z (9/12/12) 15:23-15:34 HAST (9/11/12) 18:23-18:34 PDT
Sorry that Saturday didn't work out, but the Tuesday AO-07 pass was added to help reach most of the way across the mainland. Thanks to Frank, K4FEG, for the AO-07 info.
Hope to meet on the birds. So far things have been working well. I had a contact with Frank, K4FEG, in Tennessee, Clayton, W5PFG, in Texas, and David, W0DHB, in Colorado, on a late night (Hawaii time) pass of FO-29. Signals from my end in Kauai were heard down to the horizon, even with an FT-817 running at 5 watts!
73's - Tom
Tom Deeble - KA6SIP Mt. Diablo Amateur Radio Club Membership Chairman PACIFICON - ARRL National Convention Oct 12-14