A personal observation:
A current ESA Education project. - ESEO plans to use 1263.5 MHz as an uplink to a L/V FM transponder. 2m / 70cm and S band were not possible as they are in use elsewhere on the same satellite.
The possible impact on Galileo was discussed / analysed for that frequency and no objections were raised.
ESEO, with contributions from AMSAT-UK is progressing from critical design review to engineering and flight model production.
I know amateur radio interests are represented at international meetings and negotiating spectrum is a difficult task, but the reality probably is that unless we have some more success in allocating some 'dedicated' spectrum for amateur radio satellites, then the chaotic trend for individual nations to allocate experimental licences in interference free zones will continue. ( ISS on 2395 etc)
-----Original Message----- From: M5AKA [email protected] To: AMSAT BB [email protected] Sent: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 13:46 Subject: [amsat-bb] 23 cm band and WRC-2018
The Chair of the IARU R1 VHF/UHF/Microwave Committee, Michael Kastelic OE1MCU says: "it seems that radio amateurs will lose the 23 cm band in the near future"
Galileo article
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---- Trevor M5AKA AMSAT-UK Website Facebook Twitter ---- _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: