7 Apr
7 Apr
7 a.m.
I've recently came into an IC-475H that I'd like to use as the uplink on linear sats. But I'm having some trouble getting the CAT control to work. I'm using grig instead of going in/out of Gpredict just to test the CI-V link.
I thought that this should work in grig: grig -m 307 -r /dev/ttyUSB1 -s 1200 -c 14
but it doesn't seem to connect. I have visually verified in the 475 the switch settings for the address and speed, they're set to default $14 1200 baud. With nothing connected the DC voltage on the remote output is about 2.0VDC which agrees with the schematic.
I'm hoping that there is something I've overlooked. The interface with grig works with my IC-R7000 grig -m 340 -r /dev/ttyUSB1 -s 1200 -c 08
Ron VE8RT ve8rt@yknwt.ca