On 03/28/2014 12:20 PM, Clayton Coleman wrote:
I cringe at the "anti-handheld in the backyard mentality" because those operators are our future.
A single-band CW Tx with a crystal oscillator and a simple, single-conversion Rx may be a perfect way to encourage newcomers to the world of HF. Especially as it shows that a large investment is not necessary to get started. But it would be WRONG to mislead prospective hams into believing that such a setup is the be-all and end-all of operating HF. They should be made to understand that considerable sophistication is possible when operating HF and sophisticated equipment available to suit.
Similarly, a "handheld in the backyard" method of operating via satellite works. It has the beauty of being (comparatively) easy to set up as a demo, and promises success for the newcomer on a limited budget. But it is WRONG to suggest that this is the peak of sophistication in ham satellite operation, and that old-timers as well as newcomers should be satisfied with having to drape their equipment around their neck and run out into the backyard, rain or shine, every time they want to operate.
I'm not saying there is anything wrong with handhelds in the back yard. I'm saying that as far as I'm concerned, I'm not interested. I took the training wheels off my bike a long time ago, and I wear long trousers now.
(Actually, I wear shorts almost exclusively. But hopefully you get my point.)