I bought an arrow antenna at the Raleigh Hamfest this past weekend. It has been about 15 years since my last satellite QSO. This evening I walked out in my backyard and with the TH-D72 I had contact with a couple of hams. on SO-50. I apologize that I could not remember the calls as I heard them. I am 78 now and the brain is not as acute as it used to be. I had no way to write them down. Holding the antenna and the handheld and trying to shift downlink frequency and uplink back and forth is a challenge. I guess I will need to try a voice  recorder.. 

If I worked you I would love to have your info so I can put you in my log. 

Thanks for the QSO's and it was good to be back on the satellite after all these years.

73<<John N4QWF