I am adding the ISS APRS space communications to the Pine Mountain Observatory STEM workshop this summer.
Using the Kenwood TM-D710G with a PC I can show that the packet sent to the ISS was digipeated through the ISS.
I would like not having to use a PC with the radio. Therefore, not using a PC is there a TM-D710G setting that will show that the beacon was successfully digipeated through the ISS?
QST February 2016 review of the Yaesu on page 52 “ Whenever my FTM-100DR transmitted a beacon and detected that it had been relayed by a digipeater, I hear a series of three descending tones."
Has anyone used the Yaesu FTM-100DR APRS with the ISS and confirmed that it will tell you that the ISS digipeated the packet?
http://aprs.fi http://aprs.fi/ and http://ariss.net http://ariss.net/ work fine if another station receives the packet and forwards it to the APRS Internet System. This depends upon another station which fine for a back up verification.
73, Clear and dark skies without RFI, David Haworth, WA9ONY http://www.stargazing.net/david http://www.stargazing.net/david [email protected]