I’m sure this has been covered in the past, but it’s kicking my butt.
With the proliferation of LEO satellites in recent years, amateurs are fortunate to have a lot of birds available for use. Like many hams, I use SatPC32 to control my rig, and track upcoming passes.
Their sub-program, Countdown does a good job of listing upcoming passes and their AOS/LOS times. However, it’s limited to 12 satellites. If you try to add additional birds, you get the dreaded “zu viele Satelliten!” message. Translation: Too Many Satellites.
I’m sure there must be a work-around that involves creating multiple groups, or something, but I haven’t been able to crack this.
Does anyone else have a good method?
I know Ham Radio Deluxe has been working to improve their satellite program. Is anyone using this currently? Is it a better option?
Les Rayburn, N1LF Maylene, AL EM63nf AMSAT #38965, ARRL Life Member, CVHS Life Member, SVHF Member