Hi, Brad!
As I mentioned last night, I did not come up with the idea of a D-Star get-together focused on satellite stuff. Others have talked about creating - or relaunching - a talkgroup for this sort of discussion in the DMR realm. AMSAT operates an EchoLink conference server, which has been used for similar nets in the past. There's the HF net, if it is still operating (no HF at home presently, so I can't speak to that). Lots of options to do something online.
What I seem to be hearing has a common theme... "AMSAT should do (some sort of chat, get-together, or net) on (radio, EchoLink, or something online)". If someone is interested in doing this on EchoLink, DMR, or some other mechanism - great! Do it! Announce it here, on Twitter, Facebook, spread the word. It doesn't have to be "official", but usually requires someone to be the cat-herder-in-chief or ringleader for whatever is proposed. The D-Star roundtable I mentioned has not had dozens of check-ins on any given Sunday evening, but has had good discussions and question-and-answer sessions. If something is done on DMR, I don't have DMR capabilities - but it doesn't hurt if we have these sorts of roundtables or chats in different places. The D-Star roundtable has drawn in some local Arizona interest, given that the reflector we have been using is normally tied into several D-Star repeaters around the Phoenix and Tucson areas, along with other repeaters that may be connected to the reflector just for the roundtables.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/ Twitter: @WD9EWK or http://twitter.com/WD9EWK
On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 4:57 PM, Mr B r a d via AMSAT-BB <[email protected]
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- """ Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK" .....from the last dispatch of messages ....Re: trying to get back to the Sunday evening AMSAT roundtable """" I Guess that is on d-star ?? this would be great to listen in on from a new Op perspective ..... I have been looking for a Sat IRC or Sat-Op chat room or something like "ping jockey" toget get some quick answers to operating questions and line up some QSO's and have not found anything for this. even a HF or echo-link net could be helpful.this could also solve the ' no one else was on the bird' problem. sticking my neck out here , but I could host it on my valleymedia.org domain withone of the free chat room scripts if nothing more official or better is out here or offered? one link on the 'easy sats' / work-sats page would fuel the live sat-chat room very nicely
new guy Ko6kLBrad