Ed, KL7UW noted:
It would be more significant if the antenna was described. I suspect if one used a 1000-foot dish it would be quite easy to do!
I know of a number of QRP, single Yagi QSOs on 2M with W5UN (see http://web.wt.net/~w5un/mba2003.jpg http://web.wt.net/%7Ew5un/mba2003.jpg & read the primer at http://web.wt.net/~w5un/primer.htm http://web.wt.net/%7Ew5un/primer.htm) and KB8RQ (see http://www.spasalon.com/kb8rq/). In his primer, W5UN notes
W5UN has worked a couple of stations who were using a single long boom antenna and running less than 50 watts, so it can be done. I made one such contact with W2RS who answered my CQ. At the time W2RS was running 50 watts into a single Cushcraft 32-19 antenna
Along the line of amateur adventures using big antennas, I'll relate a few things I have done when using large dishes on EME. By large dishes, we have twice activated the 140' dish at Greenbank, WV (K8HUH & W3IWI/8 calls used) and we have used an 85' dish near Fairbanks, AK (Calls were W3IWI/KL7 & KL7RA) on several occasions. Here are some notable QRP activities:
1. From both dishes, I have "kerchunked" myself on 70cm FM using just a HT. 2. From Fairbanks, I ran 70cm AX.25 packet with a small (probably 10 watt) radio & TNC and managed to have a full, legit QSO with myself (connect, ack, data packets sent "both" ways, etc.) 3. From Greenbank on 13 cm we set the EME DX record with a ZL who was using his 1 watt exciter after his PA and Driver burned up. 4. From both locations on 70 cm, I worked a number of stations running under 50 watts with single yagis. 5. Our 1296 MHz QSO from WV with WB5LUA (now W5LUA) was critical to his completing a 23 cm WAS. 6. W3IWI/8 managed a 70 cm WAC in under 12 hours (i.e. within a single calendar day). The streak started with Z25JJ for Africa and ended with several VK6 QSOs.
So some things are pretty easy when you have a big antenna!
73 de Tom, K3IO (ex W3IWI)