The ARRL Letter dated November 8th has an item about the USPS proposing to discontinue the sale of IRC's here in the United States. If you are sending for a QSL card to many countries, the alternative compensation, American dollar bills, are likely to be stolen by a postal worker. Your card never makes it and you don't get one back. IRC's can only be exchanged for stamps so the likelihood of them being stolen is lessened.
IRC's are available at usps.com so there is no need to have them stocked or ordered at a local post office. It costs literally nothing to have them in the online store. If the sale of IRC's is discontinued here in the US, you will have to buy them from another country. IRC's must be exchanged for postage by Universal Postal Union member countries but there is no requirement that they be sold in member countries.
There is a link in the ARRL Letter that goes to a site where you can file comments regarding the proposal. The URL is http://www.regulations.gov/#!submitComment;D=USPS-2012-0101-0001
I did that and made the case for retaining them in the usps.com store only. Please consider doing the same so we don't have to buy them overseas.
73, John K8YSE