Subject: [amsat-bb] NO-44 SATPC worked today with an HT and Elk.
Hi all
I just wanted to share my excitement that I worked NO-44 at 14:47 today, 10/23, with my Yaesu VX8DR HT with a five element Elk, for the first time. I have been trying for awhile and didn't expect much in the way of results.
Now, I can proceed to jump around my living room.
Took me a long time to get that one also, good for you! I got it just recently also. You know it would be a LOT easyer to work if there werent so many LAZY BEACONS on 145.825 which basicly have killed NO-44 to the point where two way Qso is impossible and a short raw packet alone is as you have seen pretty hard to do.
Anyway glad to see someone else is actually trying and not setting there BEACONS and walking away from their station....:)
Kevin KF7MYK