I'm always impressed when I think about the like-a-rock reliability this old craft has shown! I look forward to perhaps a future craft being launched that is built using the old-style analog hardware prevalent in this old bird.. Something retro, maybe with the old hand-laid harnesses, a clever battery-failsafe scheme, and a dose of enhanced-performance components, it might just last forever!
Auke, you've hit it on the nose!! The recent generation of "amsat generals" were obsessed or promoted by some ulterior motive other than promoting "amateur satellite communications" under the guise of education..and I suspect some ones finances were involved....I've been in licensed for over 50 years, and we've kept it alive by demos, discussions and education, not by some "go to the store and buy a push button radio" to make it easy!! AO51 FM voice!! Waste of money...
We still see some justifying it under the guise of "education"... hog rot!!
When one promotes something similar to a cell phone operation, I cannot imagine much intrigue??
The last convention sort of proves my point...One report I saw said 80 attendants. Perhpaps some one has an accurate accounting??
We used to have several hundred....
And we never had to promote NASA!! Seems like that should be the other way around...Old ESA is the one to be thanked!!
I think the new board will change some things....
73, Dave, WB6LLO [email protected]
Disagree: I learn....
Pulling for P3E...