
Good signals from MESAT1 in GG77.

TX Yagi 6 ele and RX Yagi 11 ele.
2024 08 31 21:48 UTC with 22º degrees elevation 
Short video:

One hand PTT,  smartphone, rotor...

Sandro Ribeiro
Rio de Janeiro

De: Mark Hammond via AMSAT-BB <[email protected]>
Enviado: sexta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2024 23:05
Para: AMSAT BB <[email protected]>
Assunto: [AMSAT-BB] Re: MESAT1 Transponder ON for testing 0135utc 24 Aug 24

Sorry, fat finger sent before finished!

Hello Operators!  Around 0135utc tonight we commanded ON the transponder onboard MESAT1.  Quick test QSOs between Drew KO4MA, Paul N8HM, and me (N8MH) are encouraging.  Chris G0KLA monitored telemetry using FoxTelem during the pass.  All indications are good. We hope that the satellite health continues to look good through the testing.  We expect to continue the test through the weekend.

Please use the transponder while it is on!  The frequency information is:

You can read more about MESAT1 here:

Happy testing!  Please report back to the BBS as you can.

On behalf of the command team,
-- Mark L. Hammond [N8MH] AMSAT Director and Command Station