If you're a member of the ARRL, do a search for QHTenna on their webpage. It's a simple turnstile antenna. I have a pair and they're easily built. Also, the K5OE page is archived in many places. You can do a search for "Texas Potato Masher" and see what you get. I'm going to try and build a pair of those (TPM2's) soon.
Good luck.
73, Joel, W4JBB
Jacob Tennant wrote:
Could anyone give me some advice on using a setup consisting of the smaller antennas such as K5OE Eggbeaters, dual-crossed MOXON's from ARRL site.
I am starting to build the dual-crossed MOXON setup as I am running into some snags getting my planned bigger antenna setup installed as well as I was hoping to use the smaller antenna setup for a Field Day setup but don't want to wait till that day to use them and look like a fool!!!!
Would even consider the quadrifilliar antennas if I could find the plans for both bands?
Jacob Tennant - K8JWT
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