I will apologize in advance as this question has probably been asked several times already. I am attempting to digi-peat through PCSAT, and PCSAT2 with an Arrow handheld and Kenwood D7A. Having no trouble using APRS on the ISS, I hope to be able to do the same with PCSAT and maybe even get through PCSAT2 before decommission.
I can decode packets from PCSAT and PCSAT2, but never get a packet through either system. PCSAT had a 90 degree pass this morning, with no luck. I am suspicious that my packet path is incorrect, or I don't have enough power to reach the receivers.
Packet path is ARISS,APRSAT,SGATE,WIDE. I was recently told that only ARISS was needed for PCSAT, PCSAT2, and ISS. Having no luck yet and time growing short for PCSAT2, I am hoping to get a definitive answer from the list. What is the correct packet path? Can I make it with such limited equipment as a handheld beam and 6 watt HT?
Thanks in advance,
Randy - KI4LMR