Larry expunged ([email protected]):
Trying to put together a 1.2GHz (or Ghz OR ghz???:-) )station for contests
Funny you should mention that (Ghz or ghz), Kent Britain brought this topic up today on the Micrwave mailing list:
From: Kent Britain [email protected] Subject: [Mw] mhz MHz MhZ mHz MHZ etc.
It's April 1st so a good time to throw this in even if it's not a joke.
A few years ago, to honor Dr. Hertz for his early work with electromagnetic waves, Cycles Per Second were Changed to Hertz. It is customary for Capalitize a family name. So it is Hz not hz.
Capital M is the designation for Mega or 1,000,000
Small m is the desigation for milli or 1/1000
Thus on 144 MHz a radio wave is just over 2 Meters long.
On 144 mHz a radio wave is 1.29 Million Miles long
Or on 144 mHz (There is no 144 mhz) a quarter wave whip would get clipped by the moon.
Think Hz MHz GHz
73's Kent WA5VJB
-Steve N1JFU