4 May
4 May
4:30 a.m.
We have a WINNER in the "Who ARE These Folks?" contest!
Photo at ...
Although his answers spanned across three email replies, my attorney (I DO live in California, after all ... (grin)) has declared GRAHAM VK5AGR the WINNER of this contest!
US$100 has been donated to AMSAT-NA - Thank you, Graham!
Oh, the answers! From right to left, we have the first ARISS supporter from England and 61-year member of the RSGB, Ron Broadbent G3AAJ (SK). In the middle - behind those Foster Grants - is our very own Martha Saragovitz. And that is Ron’s wife, Beryl, on the left. The photo was taken in the 1Q of 1980 ... which means Martha was about 12 when it was taken ...
Clint, K6LCS