25 Oct
25 Oct
11:39 a.m.
I have for sale: 1 Kenwood TH-D74A with standard battery pack and charger, etc.
2 Baofeng UV-82 with standard battery packs and chargers, etc.
1 Arrow antenna model 146/437-10 with duplexer/diplexer (never could keep those terms straight)
2 Mini-Circuits BLP-200 low pass filters for 2 m
1 Mini-Circuits BHP-400 high pass filter for 70 cm Various assorted connectors and converters for hooking things up. This would be for local pickup in southeastern Indiana. I would prefer to sell the whole lot as a package. Contact me off-list ( skristof at etczone.com) if you are interested. Steve Kristoff AI9IN Oldenburg IN