If you read my posts a few weeks ago about the ACLog and LoTW not being satellite friendly and you wanted to know more, read on.
I've been working with Kathy Allison, KA1RWY, who is the ARRL Contest Assistant & LoTW Specialist. My biggest concern was that LoTW didn't support all the satellites. One of my contacts can't be put into the system because my conversation with AJ, AJ3U, was via the ISS using packet and apparently the ISS is not a satellite.
The response I received from the ARRL on this was "At this time LoTW won't accept ISS as satellite. From what I was told, you have to put phone or CW and it will accept it." which I got from Kathy. That doesn't fly with me. I have asked her to contact the sysadmin for LoTW and that if the admin needs any help with squaring away the satellite portion of the system to please contact me and I'll be happy to help get all the satellites straight in the system. I'm still waiting to hear back from them.
After LoTW is straight, I hope to work with the creators of ACLog to make that log more satellite friendly.
Now, does anyone want to help me take an ACLog and turn it into a SQL file???
73s, Eric KF4OTN AMSAT Member 35360 AMSAT Area Coordinator
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