Cool, how you been Dave?
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On Monday, April 11, 2022, 22:38, David Jordan [email protected] wrote:
ARISS News Release No.22-24
Dave Jordan, AA4KN
ARISSContact is Scheduled with Students at
Rakia - Herzliya Science Center, Herzliya, Israel
April11, 2022—Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) has receivedschedule confirmation for an ARISS radio contact between Axiom Mission-1 (Ax-1)astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) and Israeli students atthe Rakia - Herzliya Science Center located in Herzliya, Israel. Ax-1 is the first private astronaut missionto the International Space Station. ARISS conducts 60-80 of these specialamateur radio contacts each year between students around the globe and crewmembers with ham radio licenses aboard the ISS.
The Rakia - Herzliya Science Center (HSC) is an educationalinstitute that promotes STEM studies for students (about 1,500) in kindergartento high-school (K-12). It has diverse enrichment programs, in a variety ofscientific and technological fields including space, robotics, physics,computer sciences, and life sciences. One of the educational programs, a jointproject with Herzliya Science Center and ARISS, gives 200 Israeli high-schoolstudents the opportunity to manage all ARISS contacts between the school’sstudents and Astronaut Eytan Stibbe. The 'Tuval' program in which the studentsattend, teaches radio transmissions and satellite operations. The students, with help from professional guides, will beoperating the ground station for this contact and have spent the last fewmonths preparing to take their place as part of the Rakia mission. In 2011, HerzliyaScience Center successfully participated in a direct ARISS contact as callsign 4X4HSCwith Astronaut, Mike Fossum KF5AQG. The Space Laboratory of HSC operates an amateurradio satellite station (call sign 4X4HSC) that is used as part of the HSCeducational activities and for tracking of LEO satellites. The HSC amateurradio satellite station is supported by local radio amateurs of the IsraelAmateur Radio Club (IARC).
This will be a direct contact via Amateur Radio allowing students to ask questions of Ax-1 AstronautEytan Stibbe, amateur radio call sign 4Z9SPC. Local Covid-19 protocols areadhered to as applicable for each ARISS contact. The downlink frequency forthis contact is 145.800 MHZ and may be heard by listeners that are within theISS-footprint of the Rakia-Herzliya ground station.
Amateur radio operators in Herzliya, Israel willuse call sign 4X4HSC while operating the amateur radio ground station.
TheARISS radio contact is scheduled for April 14, 2022 at 4:32 pm IDT (Herzliya) (13:32UTC,9:32 am EDT, 8:32 am CDT, 7:32 am MDT, 6:32 amPDT).
Thepublic is invited to watch the live stream at:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1gJRBkNXyv5tbMZkmjzi4g%C2%A0 (Rakia-Herzliya)
www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ_Bvr_z-FQ(ARISS YouTube)
As timeallows, students will ask these questions:
1. מה חשבת ואיך הרגשתכשראית את כדור הארץ מהחלל בפעם הראשונה?
2. האם אתה תומך במשימהשל ספייס איקס למאדים? אם יכריזו על משימה למאדים האם תסכים להשתתף ולמה?
3. אתה חושב שיש חייםביקום הזה חוץ מאיתנו? מהי צורתם והאם לדעתך נגלה אי פעם אם הם קיימים?
4. איך זה מרגיש להיותבאפס כבידה? האם סבלת ממחלה מסוימת או עייפות במהלך שהייתך בחלל? אם כן, איך אתהמסתדר? אתה מוטרד מזה שהשהות בחלל יכולה לפגוע בגוף?
5. אנחנו אנו מודעיםלהשקעה העצומה של העולם בהקמת תחנות חלל ומאמצים מאוד גדולים. מה לדעתך התמורהוהתרומה של זה לאנושות? האם זה שווה את זה?
6. איך הזמן עובר עליךכשאתה נמצא בתחנת החלל הבינלאומית?
7. מה האימון הכי קשהשעברת כדי להכין אותך לטיסה חלל?
8. האם אתה חושב שצריךלהפוך חלל למגמה בבתי ספר? (שיעורים שלומדים בהם להיות אסטרונאוטים)
9. האם תמיד רצית להיותאסטרונאוט? איך היה התהליך של הפיכה לאחד?
10. מה היית אומר לעצמךבגיל 15-16? האם דמיינת שתגיע לאן שהגעת?
11. כיצד אתה רוצה אומצפה שהמשימה שלך תשפיע על החברה?
12. האם אתה חושב שיוםאחד יהיה אפשר להשתמש בתחנות כאלה כתחנות מעבר כדי להגיע למקומות אחרים ביקום, אוכבית חלופי לכדור הארץ ?
13. אתה חושב שיש לנוכבני אדם תפקיד ביקום הזה?
14. אם היית יכול לקחתעוד אדם אחד (חיי או מת) את מי היית לוקח ולמה?
15. האם לוקח זמן להתרגללזה שאין לך יכולת לעשות פעולות בסיסיות?
16. במה תתרום לך הטיסההזו מבחינה אישית וחברתית?
17. באילו מכשירים אתהמתאמן בתחנת החלל?
18.מה מחשבות שעולות לך כשאתה מסתכל החוצה מהחלוןורואה את החלל? האם זה מפחיד? מעניין? דמיוני?
19.אתה חושב שתיירות חללתתפתח בשנים הבאות?
1.What did you think and how did you feel when you first saw Earth fromspace?
2.Do you support SpaceX's mission to Mars? If they announce a mission to Mars,will you agree to participate and why would you be able to do it?
3.Do you think there's life in this universe besides us? What is their shape anddo you think we will ever find out if they exist?
4.How does it feel to be zero gravity? Did you suffer from a particular illnessor fatigue while in space? If so, how are you doing? Are you concerned thatbeing in space can damage the body?
5.We are aware of the world's huge investment in the construction of spacestations and very great efforts. What do you think the reward and contributionof this to humanity is? Is it worth it?
6.How time passes on you when you are on the International Space Station?
7.What's the hardest workout you've ever had to get you ready for space flight?
8.Do you think space should be turned into a major subject (megama) in schools?(lessons learned to be astronauts)
9.Have you always wanted to be an astronaut? How was the process of becoming one?
10.What would you say to yourself when you were 15 or 16? Did you imagine you'dget where you are?
11.How do you want or expect your mission to affect society?
12.Do you think that one day such stations could be used as transit stations toreach other places in the universe, or as an alternative home to Earth?
13.Do you think we as human beings have a role to play in this universe?
14.If you could take one more person (alive or dead) who would you take and why?
15.Does it take time to get used to not being able to do basic actions in space?
16.What will this flight do to you personally and socially?
17.What instruments do you train on at the space station?
18.What thoughts do you have when you look out the window and see the space? Is itscary? Interesting? Imaginary?
19.Do you think space tourism will evolve in the years to come?
About ARISS:
Amateur Radio on the InternationalSpace Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of international amateur radiosocieties and the space agencies that support the International Space Station(ISS). In the United States, sponsors are the Radio Amateur SatelliteCorporation (AMSAT), the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the ISS NationalLab-Space Station Explorers, Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) andNASA’s Space communications and Navigation program. The primary goal of ARISSis to promote exploration of science, technology, engineering, the arts, andmathematics topics. ARISS does this by organizing scheduled contacts viaamateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS and students. Before andduring these radio contacts, students, educators, parents, and communities takepart in hands-on learning activities tied to space, space technologies, andamateur radio. For more information, see www.ariss.org
DaveJordan, AA4KN
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