Congratulations to all involved. I like it!
Tom Clark, K3IO wrote:
Starting on page 50 (the 3rd page of the online version) The AMSAT/MicroChip effort is described along with schematics (figure 6, also http://electronicdesign.com/files/29/17465/Figure_06.jpg). The closing paragraph (which doesn't mention the planed use of these concepts on Suitsat2) says:
Microchip worked with AMSAT-NA, the not-for-profit private
organization that develops
amateur-radio satellites. AMSAT’s next big project, the Eagle
satellite, is slated for
launch in March 2009. To make Eagle function for decades, it will have
a power system
based on this work that combines solar panels, lithium-ion batteries,
and ultracaps
in an integrated power system that will optimize the use of each of
those components.
Pretty good publicity!
73, Tom