On Sun, 2 Jul 2017 09:48:23 -0500 Joe [email protected] wrote:
But I need a list of active FM birds that I can suggest to him to listen for.
I regularly work SO-50 and AO-85 with my HT. It's a Yaesu FT-60R but I've done it with a Baofeng UV5R as well. I use GPredict on Linux to track the birds.
I think that some folks use heavens-above.com for this purpose. Along with the entire AMSAT site, work-sat.com is relatively useful if you can sift through the design. Their tutorial helps one get set up for working SO-50: http://www.work-sat.com/Home_files/satbr-120616.pdf
It's tricky but he should be able to work SO-50 with a whip like those from Nagoya, Comet, or Diamond. I'm not sure it'd be possible with the ducky but maybe he could monitor one.
Good luck!
73 DE KD5RYO - -- Happy Hacking!
http://manor.space/~cmhobbs GPG: 1200 0808 F968 47AB F489 91A3 FE26 6FFB 1A77 0868