What is the cause of intermittent glitching on the G5500 rotor controller?
Every now and then (and only when transitioning the LEFT switch), BOTH positioning meters jump down about 10%. And then with a few more flips of the switch, you can get it back.
Apparently the internal 6v supply is dropping since both meters glitch down and an externmal voltmeter on the rotator feedback terminals also show the same10% drop in the 6v line. (though it appears to be a constant 5.5 volts not 6) And then glitches down from the 5.5.
Also noticed the Adjust voltage pots on the back do not change anything.
Sorry, I know we see these same questions ALL the time, but this is the first time in 20 years for me… and when Mine wasn’t broke, it was easy to ignore all the emails…