Hello to all,
I published a video/audio on the Internet with a few QSOs among of friends via AO-7 - in the same orbit. I found interesting post the video file because I still had not heard at other times this number of friends by using the AO-7. I feel privileged to be in my city and listen to many friends through the AO-7. I gave the name the video "A memorable night in the AO-7". Well, I am not an expert in assembling the videos, but I hope we all enjoy and feel excited to participate actively in future projects of satellites for radio amateurs.
The video is approximately 22 minutes, see here: http://spacesat.blogspot.com/2009/08/uma-noite-memoravel-no-ao-7.html
Miguel, CX1TH Ignacio, LU1ESY Tadeu, PY2SAD Roland, PY4ZBZ Luciano, PY5LF Piraja, PS8RF Juan , LU2DPW Guillermo , HK6IOP Josef, K3SZH Arthur, K4YYL Gregory, N3MVF Douglas, KD8CAO Daniel, AJ9K Michael, KC9ELU.
Piraja, PS8RF
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