Question for anyone out there: I just built the parasitic Lindy from the Feb 2010 QST. What kind of performance (on receive) should I expect from it during, say, an AO-51 pass (max EL 83 deg)? I had my Kenwood TH-F6a HT connected directly to it (only a few feet of RG-8X coax to the antenna) with no preamp, and I only had good copy for a moment here and there. Just wondering if I need a preamp or if I need to be suspicious of my construction.
tnx & 73,
Dave NK0E
Edward Cole wrote: I forgot to add that these are patterned after Tony, AA2TX, designs (UHF version is in Feb. 2010 QST). My variation was to use pvc sched-40 plastic pipe (white).
The preamp is one of the older DEMI designs that uses a mgf-1302 GasFet with about 0.7 dBNF. I see about one s-unit of noise when I turn it on. There is 4-feet of RG-58 to the UHF Lindy and 60-feet to the FT-847 from the preamp. The VHF Lindy has no preamp and is fed with 60-feet of RG-213.
The VHF Lindy brings up repeaters 70-miles away with 50w, and the UHF Lindy hears repeaters that far away. So actually can make a nice general purpose antenna.
73, Ed