Due to a series of events over the past 3 weeks, I have had no time to work on the satellites. I've moved to a new QTH, one with a yard where I can work the satellites from. I won't have to go out to a park or parking lot to get on the satellites, unless I want to. I still plan on making occasional trips to the DM33/DM43 grid boundary in Phoenix, if there isn't much activity from the DM33 side of metro Phoenix. Since my mail goes to a PO box, that's one thing that will not change as a result of this move. I still have some packing to do at my apartment, and pulling things out of storage (including some items that have been packed away since my last move a few years back), so the moving process probably won't be finished until later this month.
Once things settle down, I will start operating from the back yard. I'm not able to install antennas on the house, but I can look at using tripods for antennas in the yard. I will also have time to do more with the computer and my radios, and possibly get my FT-817NDs working with SatPC32. I'm looking forward to spending more weeknights on the radio, since I won't have to drive somewhere to do that. Going out to hamfests and other parts of Arizona will also return to my schedule, starting with the first hamfest of the upcoming Arizona hamfest "season" in Tucson next month.
One observation... it has been neat to see all the posts about ARISSat-1. It may not be in a high orbit, and its 70cm antenna is not what it should have been, but it has been fun to see the posts and look at the ARISSat-1 telemetry web page from time to time. I'm hoping to get things going at home to try the transponder again, something I was not successful at last month.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/