Dear Fellow satellite operators--

First, a word of THANKS to all of you that have routinely or even occasionally collected telemetry from MESAT1.  Thanks to you, we are able to make informed and timely decisions about what/when/why/how to do next steps as we collaborate with the satellite owners to help with their primary mission.  We are learning a lot about this new satellite--Univ. of Maine's first Cubesat--and our linear transponder onboard.  All of the lessons learned will help inform future missions that carry the Linear Transponder Module (or LTM)  AND the Golf series of satellites.   Your reports about transponder activities are super helpful, too. 

I encourage you to visit this link so you can see in detail all of the call signs that have contributed to telemetry collection thus far.  It's a lot of stations, all around the world.  Bravo, and thanks.

Second, please continue to collect telemetry! We continue to work on taking and downloading earth images from their cameras.  In recent days, we are having the satellite send image blocks both in the mornings and evenings.  We expect that to continue in the near future.  The transmitter could be on for 5 mins, or perhaps even 10 mins, when over the East coast command stations. Every frame helps us to build an image.   Testing is intermittent, but it seems to be more regular right now.  When the images aren't being transmitted, MESAT1 is in SAFE mode, sending a couple frames about every 2 mins.  These frames are very important too!!  

Finally, if you haven't heard this message yet---thanks :)  We have a great community here, so thanks for being a vital part of this and other AMSAT projects.


On behalf of the Command and Commissioning Teams---

Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]
AMSAT Director and Command Station