You can analyze this AO-27 telemetry (KISS frames) and you see the simple structure
1 Byte channel number + 1 Byte channel value (starting with Channel nr 07)
ctrl: 6 {I03^} PID: 2 {UNKNOWN} Total Frame Bytes: 131 1 > 07 00 08 AB 09 00 0A 98 0B 98 0C 00 0D 00 0E 00 0F 39 10 04 21 > 11 5C 12 08 13 00 14 83 15 82 16 80 17 7C 18 79 19 7D 1A 7A 41 > 1B 79 1C 60 1D 71 1E F2 1F 79 20 5B 21 79 22 7D 23 02 24 0D 61 > 25 9C 26 00 27 24 28 00 29 2C 2A 00 2B 00 2C 00 2D 47 2E 0C 81 > 2F 7C 30 7C 31 77 32 2E 33 03 34 78 35 78 36 79 37 79 50 6B 101 > 51 00 52 1A 53 00 FF 04
ctrl: 6 {I03^} PID: 2 {UNKNOWN} Total Frame Bytes: 131 1 > 07 00 08 AD 09 00 0A 99 0B 98 0C 00 0D 00 0E 00 0F 39 10 04 21 > 11 56 12 07 13 00 14 83 15 82 16 7E 17 7C 18 79 19 7F 1A 7A 41 > 1B 79 1C 62 1D 70 1E EE 1F 7A 20 5B 21 78 22 7D 23 02 24 0E 61 > 25 9A 26 00 27 45 28 00 29 09 2A 00 2B 00 2C 00 2D 4A 2E 0C 81 > 2F 7D 30 7B 31 77 32 27 33 00 34 78 35 78 36 79 37 79 50 6B 101 > 51 00 52 1A 53 00 FF 04
I found this but I believe it's not all (missing channels 07-15)
16 Bat 0 V: +1.900 -0.0041666 0.000 Volts 17 Bat 4 V: +1.900 -0.0041666 0.000 Volts 18 Bat 2 V: +1.900 -0.0041666 0.000 Volts 19 Bat 6 V: +1.900 -0.0041666 0.000 Volts 1A Bat 1 V: +1.900 -0.0041666 0.000 Volts 1B Bat 5 V: +1.900 -0.0041666 0.000 Volts 1C Bat 3 V: +1.900 -0.0041666 0.000 Volts 1D Bat 7 V: +1.900 -0.0041666 0.000 Volts 1E Solar Array V: +7.9650682 +0.0686763 0.000 Volts 1F 8 Bus Voltage: +7.0473333 +0.0113333 0.000 Volts 20 5 Bus Voltage: +3.7500000 +0.0125000 0.000 Volts 21 10 Bus Voltage: +8.1699655 +0.0204189 0.000 Volts 22 Battery #5: +145.08000 -0.9200000 0.000 Deg C. 23 10 Bus Current: -8.5766634 +4.6595804 +0.0090934 mAmps 24 8 BUS Current: -0.2637419 +1.9861031 -0.0002043 mAmps 25 5 BUS Current: -1.6011952 +5.3687733 -0.0001976 mAmps 26 -X Array Cur: +2.5393978 +1.2945522 0.0029869 mAmps 27 +X Array Cur: +3.8778891 +1.2337216 0.0034585 mAmps 28 -Y Array Cur: +1.9453662 +1.2869215 0.0036150 mAmps 29 +Y Array Cur: +0.8377529 +1.3201728 0.0030064 mAmps 2A -Z Array Cur: -5.1705101 +1.3962301 0.0002714 mAmps 2B +Z Array Cur: +3.7194087 +1.1232609 0.0041865 mAmps 2C External Cur: -1.3147137 +1.5779074 0.0013702 mAmps 2D BCR Input Cur: +9.8611991 +1.0931975 0.0099122 mAmps 2E BCR Output Cur: +0.000 +1.000 0.000 Countto 2F BCR Plate Temp: +145.08000 -0.9200000 0.000 Deg C. 30 BCR PC-Board: +145.08000 -0.9200000 0.000 Deg C. 31 Battery #0: +145.08000 -0.9200000 0.000 Deg C. 32 TX-A RF OUT: -21.995773 -8.1787836 +0.2143451 mWatts 33 TX-B RF OUT: -111.61003 -5.2876206 +0.2271923 mWatts 34 TX THER A: +140.69230 -0.8846154 0.000 Deg. C 35 TX THER B: +140.69230 -0.8846154 0.000 Deg. C 36 TX THER C: +140.69230 -0.8846154 0.000 Deg. C 37 TX THER D: +140.69230 -0.8846154 0.000 Deg. C 50 EDAC Counter: +0.0000000 +1.0000000 0.000 Count 51 Eclipse: +0.0000000 +1.0000000 0.000 Count 52 Set Point: +0.0000000 +1.0000000 0.000 Count 53 Tepr State: +0.0000000 +1.0000000 0.000 Count FF VERSION: +4.0 0.0000 0.000 Version
Parameter = AnĀ² + Bn + C
AO-27 is similar to IO-26 (or the other microsats AO-16 ... AO-19).
If someone of the AO-27 team could check this?
73, Mike DK3WN
Von: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von SV1BSX Gesendet: Dienstag, 29. Januar 2008 15:55 An: Chris Bloy Cc: [email protected] Betreff: [amsat-bb] Re: AO-27 Telem
Hi Chris,
I think it's impossible the receiving of TLM without a TNC (hardware).
I tried also with "standalone" 1200Bps AFSK softwares for packet radio (like MIXW etc) without success.
And yes, the TLM is "ON" just for a few seconds at the beginning (and at the end) of each "active" pass.
73, Mak SV1BSX
----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Bloy" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 15:12 Subject: [amsat-bb] AO-27 Telem
Hi All,
Can anyone tell me how to decode the telemetry from AO27?
I have tried to use MIXW in Packet mode and RTTY mode, but all I seem to get is the date and nothing else? I even tried to feed it through AGWE to see if that would work.. I use AO27 all the time and use a minidisc recorder to record my passes, and always capture the telem data at the end.. it would be good if someone could help me out on this one?
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