Posted by Nick, KB1RVT on behalf of Tom, N2YTF:
Greetings to all,
I would like to let anyone who is interested in working Iceland know that from Sept. 28 through Oct. 5th 2009 I will be operating every daytime/evening FM satellite pass I can between 10:00 and 01:00 UTC from Iceland. Please keep in mind that the weather in Iceland can be pretty extreme, and my primary reason for being here with my wife is to tour, so I will not be on every pass, but most days I will work many passes.
Equipment on this end is a 3w TH-D7AG with Arrow Antenna and headset for full duplex work. I am updating my satellite log daily on my QRZ page. The log includes both North America and Europe so far...
The volcanic ground along with the almost complete lack of trees (and buildings outside of Reykjavik) make working the low passes easy, so do not be discouraged if you see a low pass listed for Iceland...you just may work me anyway. I have made several QSOs on passes under 4 degrees maximum elevation.
If you are in an arctic location or africa and think you have a shot at working me, I would be specifically interested in working you and would ask that you email me directly for a sked. Everyone else, please just look for me on the birds....I am on quite abit.
73 to all, Tom-TF/N2YTF [email protected]