Hours after the launch of AO-85 (ex FOX-1A) the first TLEs for 8 of the 13 launched Cubesates were published under GRACE 1 through 8. I have not seen any updates since launch day.
Today around 18:00 UTC AO-85 was 29 s early compared to the TLE set for GRACE 8, which is currently leading the group. AO-85 is 41 s early compared to the TLE set for GRACE 2, that most people will be using now.
So either the early TLEs were not very accurate yet, or the TLEs for AO-85 were not yet determined and therefore not available in the initially measured batch. Let's hope we get updated TLEs for all 13 Cubesats soon.
BTW, there appears to be a small temperature drift on the downlink signal frequency of AO-85 that may be noticable when using automatic doppler correction.
73, Nico PA0DLO