I had a wonderful time Tuesday and Wednesday (April 22 & 23) operating two passes of AO-51 and one pass of SO-50 from the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas. I was using my W32A HT and an AL800 telescoping antenna. For one pass I was only 50 feet from the front door of the Alamo, and for other passes I stayed across the street approximately 150 feet from the front door due to the presence of Department of Public Safety (DPS) officers that looked like they might arrest me. Both of these locations were within the walls of the fortified Alamo at the battle.
Stations worked were W7JPI, W5VG, W4KI, XE2RV, KI5FIA, XE2BHL, WB2VUN, WA8SME, W6ASL, K6YK, WA6DIR, W6ZQ, and XE2HWB and I have a special QSL card made up for the operation. This was my third satellite operation from EL09sk, the Alamo, and on future trips to San Antonio I hope to operate again from the Alamo.
73 Allen N5AFV