Anyone know who has the record for the most ham QSO's in space? Astronaut Doug Wheelock maybe?
Just curious. It would be a nice record to have some other people try to break and incentive to keep the activity going.
I think I saw that Doug Wheelock had a few hundred QSOs (two of those with me, including one during a hamfest demonstration). Bill McArthur had somewhere around 1800 QSOs when he was on the ISS in late 2005- early 2006, and that doesn't include QSOs he made on earlier flights.
It would be nice to hear more random QSOs with hams coming from the ISS. That all depends on crews that are interested in using the radio for more than the scheduled activities. Not many seem to have any interest in the unscheduled radio activity anymore. A shame, but also a sign of the times - where ISS crews have more options for their limited free time, compared to those who were on Mir.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/