Don't forget, E-QSL's don't count for any of the major awards !
On Sun, 4 Jan 2009 15:35:05 -0800 (PST) Jeffrey Koehler [email protected] writes:
Hi Tom:
You could look into using something like eQsl (www.eqsl.cc) which is pretty cool. Also, get yourself a computer logging program (N3FLP's amateur contact log) that will interface with eQsl. Pretty neat, although there is a learning curve associated with eQsl.
The exchage is different on the FM sats vs the others (AO-7, FO-29, AO-16) where you can actually have a short conversation. listen in for a bit before you try to work anyone. On the FM birds, you have to be pretty quick, as well...people don't wait to make calls to others. The FM birds are a world of their own.
Enjoy, and see you on the birds!!
73, Jeff WB2SYK FN13
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