Hello all,
Just a heads up that I will be leaving out tomorrow morning (Sunday May 1st) for a three week trip that will hopefully include some satellite operations. I plan on being in Nevada from May 8th through the 15th. Among the places I'd like to operate from are DM16, DM07/08/17/18, DM27, DN00/10 and DN01/11. Also possibly DM28 or DM19. Another op told me that he plans to operate from DM19 on May 7th & 8th. Will check with him afterwards and see how he did, then decide my exact plans.
For those that want more details, please see my special webpage on QRZ: https://www.qrz.com/db/N4UFO/P
I have a map, pics showing locations and a detailed explanation of my plans on that page. There is a link to a special 'rover' twitter feed where I will send out information as I can (spotty coverage in Nevada) and you can watch for that information by simply saving the link and checking it regularly; no twitter account is required. I also have a special e-mail account while on the road and there are links to follow my travel progress via APRS, provided my signal is getting out to the network.
It was suggested that when I announced my plans, I should clearly state my objectives. My operations on this trip are intended to pass out grids to as many people as possible that need them and some of these are rarely heard grids. To that end, I would like to request that if you need the grid, please call me, but please be brief with your calls, be courteous to other callers and try your best to only work me ONCE per grid. And if you already have a grid confirmed, it would be considerate to leave the precious airtime for others that need it. (If I am working a grid line or corner and you need at least one of the grids, by all means call me!) I would like to further ask that folks do not blind call me, do not call me if I temporarily lose the bird and please do not 'tail end' on others working me. I am running 5 watts or less. If someone starts calling me, you will likely be PREVENTING me from getting into the bird. (And when one person calls, others tend to start calling, compounding the problem.) On FM, your signals may cover mine, preventing me from getting in (even if no signal is being heard - two or more signals can clash and nothing gets through). And on the linear birds, a loud signal (anywhere in the transponder) may turn on the AGC limiter and raise the receive threshold, preventing me from being heard despite being heard just a few moments earlier with the same power settings. (Calling on the 'tail end' of another QSO can cause this as well.)
I am not traveling alone and satellites are not the primary purpose of this trip, thus, I have other things to consider; so please be understanding if my plans vary a little bit. I will also try to operate from 'the road' from a few grids squares along the way out & possibly the way back as well. That will mostly be on an ad hoc basis, but if I think I might be able to stop somewhere of interest, I will try to give notice of the possibility, ahead of time. Again, best to watch my twitter feed. More details on all this are at the QRZ page linked above.
Good luck to us all, happy hunting and I look forward to working everyone "from the high desert!" - 73, N4UFO
P.S. For those that asked, no I will not be going to the Area 51 gates. X^D But I WILL try to operate from the Little A'Le'Inn parking lot.